World Holiday 1.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: $.99 -> Free, Version: 1.0 (iTunes)
Do you need a comprehensive guide on holidays? Start your research here! If you are curious about the religious and public holidays that exist around the world, if you are a frequent traveller and you are interested in the holidays of the target country, if you are religious and would like to know what makes the next day special, this app is the right one for you. If you work or live in a multicultural environment, it is good to know who is celebrating and who is mourning. Do ask this app. The program contains:- More than 2400 religious and public resp. territorial holidays, as per country- Description of more than 750 saints and events- Public holidays of almost all states of the world- National holidays of certain countries (USA, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain) The wikipedia links of holidays are included as well, providing you with further interesting details. World religions- Buddhism- Church of England- Hindu- Islamic- Jewish- Orhodox- Roman Chatolic Concerned states: AF, AX,AL, DZ, AS, AD, AO, AI, AQ, AG, AR, AM, AW, AU, AT, AZ, BS, BH, BD, BB, BY, BE, BZ, BJ, BM, BT, BO, BQ, BA, BW, BV, BR, IO, BN, BG, BF, BI, KH, CM, CA, CV, KY, CF, TD, CL, CN, CX, CC, CO, KM, CG, CD, CK, CR, CI, HR, CU, CW, CY, CZ, DK, DJ, DM, DO, EC, EG, SV, GQ, ER, EE, ET, FK, FO, FJ, FI, FR, GF, PF, TF, GA, GM, GE, DE, GH, GI, GR, GL, GD, GP, GU, GT, GG, GN, GW, GY, HT, HM, VA, HN, HK, HU, IS, IN, ID, IR, IQ, IE, IM, IL, IT, JM, JP, JE, JO, KZ, KE, KI, KP, KR, KW, KG, LA, LV, LB, LS, LR, LY, LI, LT, LU, MO, MK, MG, MW, MY, MV, ML, MT, MH, MQ, MR, MU, YT, MX, FM, MD, MC, MN, ME, MS, MA, MZ, MM, NA, NR, NP, NL, NC, NZ, NI, NE, NG, NU, NF, MP, NO, OM, PK, PW, PS, PA, PG, PY, PE, PH, PN, PL, PT, PR, QA, RE, RO, RU, RW, BL, SH, KN, LC, MF, PM, VC, WS, SM, ST, SA, SN, RS, SC, SL, SG, SX, SK, SI, SB, SO, ZA, GS, SS, ES, LK, SD, SR, SJ, SZ, SE, CH, SY, TW, TJ, TZ, TH, TL, TG, TK, TO, TT, TN, TR, TM, TC, TV, UG, UA, AE, GB, US, UM, UY, UZ, VU, VE, VN, VG, VI, WF, EH, YE, ZM, ZW
World Holiday