MyCityshopper 1.10.01
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.10.01 (iTunes)
You are in Dun Laoghaire and you would like to know the latest offers of local shops, boutiques, beauty salons, restaurants or markets. How far is it from your current location? Is there a place in the closest car park free? Is the flower shop still open?With Dun Laoghaire Shopper it is very easy to navigate. Just download it onto your phone and you'll be an “in the know” of Dun Laoghaire.No matter what you choose, your Dun Laoghaire Shopper knows where you can get the latest fashion and what promotions are on offer? What is the best sellers offer from the booksellers around the corner? What's on for lunch at your favourite restaurant? What's on in Dun Laoghaire’s cinemas, theatres or live music venues? Where there is a parking place? With Dun Laoghaire Shopper you will always be up-to-date.Let yourself be actively informed and never miss when a good promotion, a new lunch menu, a happy hour or a new event is waiting for you.