德州撲克 神來也德州撲克 HD 聖誕版 3.2.1
Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 3.1.7 -> 3.2.1 (iTunes)

【Strategize Your Way to Victory】
○ #1 iPad Casino Game in Taiwan
○ #3 iPad Top Grossing Casino Game in Hong Kong, Macau, China
○ Featured in the “What’s Hot” section of the casino game app stores in countries including Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Malaysia
=All-New Summer Edition Update=
○ New Bonus game mode with bigger and better prizes!
○ Play as a guest, no registration needed
○ Improved connection quality; no more hesitations for that all-in!
○ With over 20 million users online, you’ve got even more competition to take care of
○ Diamond Tournament: open daily with big prizes waiting just for you
○ Unlimited raises to help boost your perfect all-in strategy
○ Complete special achievements and win even more rewards!
○ Take your pick of daily prizes
○ Real dealer voices and high-quality graphics make for a truly special gaming experience
=Additional Notes=
○ Users can use their existing Gamesofa, Facebook, or Yahoo accounts to play
○ If you want to use an MSN, Google, or other accounts to login, please see our “Account Conversion” page for more details: http://www.gamesofa.com/texasapp/?op=guide
Gamesofa- Fun in five easy minutes
Want to play more?
Gamesofa Website: http://www.gamesofa.com
More Games: http://www.gamesofa.com/mobile/
○ 第1名iPad Casino Game in Taiwan
○ 第3名iPad Grossing Casino Game in Hong Kong, Macau, China
○ 榮獲台灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞等國家App Store精選Casino Game類及Card Game「熱門遊戲」
○ Bonus新玩法,30倍獎金等你拿!!
○ 免註冊!遊客帳號馬上玩
○ 連線品質再升級,放膽All-in不斷線
○ 2,000萬註冊玩家,各方好手等你挑戰
=iPad德州撲克 遊戲特色=
○ 「鑽石積分賽」每日定時開打,高額獎金等你拿
○ 加注無上限,善用「All-in」廝殺搶勝利
○ 完成各種特殊成就,獎金加碼送!
○ 天天好禮三選一
○ 真人荷官語音 + 華麗比牌動畫,VIP級遊戲體驗
○ 原「神來也會員」或「Facebook」、「Yahoo」帳號直接玩
○ 若您之前使用MSN, Google等帳號登入神來也遊戲,想在iPad上繼續使用該帳號,請參考「帳號轉換及登入教學說明」http://www.gamesofa.com/texasapp/?op=guide
Gamesofa 5分鐘.想樂最輕鬆
Gamesofa官網 http://www.gamesofa.com
更多神來也遊戲 http://www.gamesofa.com/mobile/
What's New
*** A Christmas fairy will now accompany you
*** New Golden Jackpot Slots
*** New Cursed and Luxury items available now!
*** Added a tournament countdown reminder
*** Various display adjustments
德州撲克 神來也德州撲克 HD 聖誕版